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Writer's pictureDerek Lund

Need To Hit Re-Do On Your New Years Goals? Here Are A Few Ideas To Consider

1. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential for proper physical and cognitive function. Few people get the recommended 8-ish hours of sleep and we know lack of sleep can play a negative role with many aspects of life. How can we improve our sleep?

Develop a sleep schedule: Go to bed and wake up at about the same time every day. Avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugary snacks around bedtime. Additionally, avoiding screen time in the 2-3 hours prior to sleep can be beneficial to keeping this schedule on track.

2. Quit Smoking Once And For All

This is one of the most important things someone can do for their health. If you smoke, consider quitting in 2023. Many options are available such as the Quit For Life program, in addition to numerous medications, phone applications, etc.

3. Eat Well, Be Realistic

Obesity and excess weight is a major issue in this country. A few small changes can lead to major health improvements. Stick to the basics; avoid saturated fats, simple sugars and highly processed foods. Consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, minimize red meat and avoid anything deep fried. Avoiding any drink with calories (i.e. soda, juice, or sugar/cream in your coffee) is a major change to aid in your health.

4. Stay Hydrated

Adequate water intake prevents dehydration, assists detoxification, and promotes healing. Start out by slowly adding a glass of water more each day until reaching eight, 8-ounce glasses of water per day (2 quarts). Keep a cup of water next to you at your desk and a travel bottle for the road. If needing flavor in your water to get started with this, try adding fresh squeezed lemon as needed.

5. Exercise

A combination of weight training and aerobic exercise is ideal. A few small changes could include taking a walk during a lunch break and using the stairs instead of an elevator. Seeking out recreational activities such as swimming or joining the newest pickleball club could be a great way to exercise while meeting new people and having some fun all at the same time.

6. Keep Your Body Moving Well

If you haven't been to our office recently, it may be time to schedule that "tune-up". Let us help you keep your body moving well and functioning at its best. Small mobility issues today can occasionally lead to more advanced, painful conditions down the road. Give us a call to make sure these problems don't keep you from enjoying 2023!

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